Thursday 13 January 2011

5th In the World - In our coldest month!!!

Well done to Pete and Ian from the Portland Pirates, (UK 's top team) their great efforts yesteday have moved us up to 5th in the world at the moment. Last year we did not get a score for January.

To put this is perspective and for those of you who have not heard of this competition, the GPS Team Challenge was set up by a group of Australian Windsurfers to compete against each other. It has since become a worldwide competition with a total of about 50 teams, each with around 10 members. We compete with GPS systems recording our
>2 Second Peak Speed
>5x10 Second Average Speed
>1 Hour average Speed
>Alpha Racing - 500m with a Gybe.
>Nautical Mile
>Total Distance.
2 sailors must post scores and the average of the 2 is used for the competition.

I dont offer much for the team yet, but last year in the 3 months I was a member I had 3 results that counted towards our overall score. My distance and hour times are not bad and my speeds are improving, having only had speed kit since Spetember and October it takes a while to get used to.
Team members Pete and Ian are currently (and usually!) the big hitters, and consistently score speeds that are up there with the best windsurfers in the world, especially considering the conditions we have at Portland Harbour which are often far from ideal. We get a few ideal days per year though, having some of those in January is an added bonus.
The team captain Mark is great at motivating us and keeps us up to date on what out targets are for the month. Thanks to this we all knew we needed a good distance, hour speed and Alpha to move up the rankings this month. He must listen to the Doctor at the moment though and stop cutting the cast off his broken ankle or it will never heal.
Good luck to all teams in the UK for this saturday, I hope we get the chance to show the rest of the world what we can do!

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